Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Lady or the Tiger, publication version

Researching online mags for story submissions, the rule seems to be that if you have an epub available for not-free, you can still submit to them for reprint status. As far as original work is concerned, if the story is available, anywhere, for free or pay, then it is published.

Good to know!

The plan now appears to be to send the story to a few online publications (not at the same time, of course) and those stories that fall through the cracks can be made available for free or not-free as an epub on ibookstore or amazon, etc. It's worth the wait to try for publications to buy it, for the exposure (not the money, max for a story seems to be around $350 or thereabouts).

On the art side, today I went to grab some reference shots for the illustration I'm working on (see thumbs below), it was good to see the great outdoors again. More updates soon!

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