Monday, December 3, 2012

A Change of Place can Push Your Pace

Tonight I took the ol' laptop out on a date to Barnes and Noble. We hadn't been out for a while, we needed to get reacquainted.

It felt like old times, really. I bought a bottle of soda and brought it back to a small table at the Starbuck's cafe inside the bookstore, hooked up my headphones to my phone for musical separation (there was no outlet nearby and I didn't want to waste my laptop power on playing music), and settled in for a good hour of writing.

Why there? Why not?

If you can get away from your usual place every once in a while, DO IT. I'm not kidding. Get your ass out of Dodge and settle a colony somewhere away from your writing place. You'll be amazed at what that can do.

Don't forget to wear headphones (comfy, obvious headphones) that serve a dual purpose. They provide a barrier from the outside, a separation that puts your mind into your story effortlessly. You don't even have to play music. Just make sure that there's something that can keep the outside from creeping inside. The dual purpose is that they act as a deterrent, keeping people from trying to start a conversation with you. Oh, sometimes they'll try nonetheless, especially if you are a good looking gal or chap, but resist it with a smile and carry on.

Tonight I surprised myself by starting on a story I hadn't realized I was ready to begin. I wrote a good 2K words on something I hadn't a single word planned before I sat down at Starbucks in Barnes and Noble.

A change of scenery can be magical. If you are able to move around, do so; your muse will thank you for it.

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